Iconic work


Home Arena


Home screen of MyHome plattform on SBox apartment display.

We have developed a web based platform for use with IPTV or a special touch display installed in an apartment, offering the residents a tool to check their energy consumption, the weather, traffic situation and other services. At the same time the landlord is given a tool to easily communicate with the residents, even if the residents lack computer skills or even a computer.
I have been tasked through out the development of the platform to create icons and various customer specific skins.






ASSA_RX_sid1At Manodo we had at a time a joint project with ASSA Abloy. One of the project managers involvedĀ  took note of my icons, and asked me if I could help them with icons for a pair of applications they were developing.





A few more icons

These icons are application icons for various software developed by KTC and Manodo.